Friday, November 10, 2017

Explaining The Rail Lands Retail Agenda

Howdy y'all, and welcome to the first proper post for this 'ere blog, Rail Lands Retail Agenda, what is affiliated with the "notorious" and "controversial" Uber-blog, The Mount Gambier Independent...(well it's you and me again isn't it?-Ed)...well yeah...(and I'm a confected literary device, not an actual person, so's really it's just you-Ed)...just me, sure, but again, I would argue that it's not about playing the ManBear Stuff-Pig, it's about having a ball with the game afoot...(waaah?!-Ed)...I'm just cracking-wise about how it is in Mt Gambier, and particularly regarding Mt Gambier City Council, how it is that direct criticism of me personally seems to be far more popular than actually addressing the issues covered through-out this 'ere blog, in TMGI, and the various other blogs we's got a' goin'...(you mean this stuff where-in MGCC will attack you, particularly behind your back, and denigrate you personally, etc, but the same MGCC flatly refuse to actually engage with the issues you raise?-Ed)...exactly, all that 'shoot the messenger' stuff...(Pariahtisation?-Ed) on... just a word I done made-up that regular availees are well-familiar with, where-in the first priority of Government/Authorities is to avoid the issue/s by attacking and personally denigrating the person speaking-out, to discredit the 'Whistleblower', and to make a 'pariah' of them in their community...(like, ummm, 'getting sent to Coventry', being isolated, denigrated, outcast, etc, effectively punished for whatevs perceived crime?-Ed)...exactly like that mate, and so easily done in such a small town as Mt Gambier...  

So's what's this 'ere blog all about?, I can't hear you ask but imagine you's probably are...(well, I'd reckon that the title explains it all-Ed)...sure, fair point, this is about Mt Gambier City Council's ongoing and very current plans for massive Retail/Commercial Development on the Mt Gambier Rail subsequent posts I'll whack-up all the documents I have, starting with MGCC's own official statement re the Rail Lands and Council's agenda (from their 2004/05 Year Book), and their own 32 page Architect-designed plans from February 2006, 3 versions of the same 'plan' that all show massive Retail/Commercial Development, etc, etc, on through to the farcical deceit of the November 2011 launch of the supposed $10million Parklands Concept Plan, and all of the associated lies from MGCC for continued inaction, usually perpetrated on the front cover of The Border Watch, etc, etc...  

What A Shocker:...and it's all super-current because on Wednesday evening, 8th November 2017, Mt Gambier City Council went onto local Historical/Memories blog, Growing Up In The Mount, and made a series of extraordinary comments about me and/or the blog TMGI, and openly deceived that blog's availees...and nobody is fooled that Councillor Josh Lynagh, the person posting those comments and a serial offender with inappropriate 'Social Media' conduct, despite running his own site Limestone Coast Community News, etc, nobody believes that Cr Lynagh was operating independent of MGCC...he has gone onto someone else's blog and run a series of very well-worded deceits directly linked to Council's agenda, the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...   

Josh, What Are You Doing Mate?:...(maaate-Ed)...nobody's fooled, mate, because vacuous statements about 'not operating as a Councillor' are self-evidently deceitful...I mean, for gourd sake, what sort of ludicrous gibberish is this Josh, mate...(maaate-Ed)...
     "Please also note that while this information is completely correct and direct from Council
      this post and any that may follow are my own personal views and not the views of Council
      as a whole in any way, shape or form." taken from Cr Lynagh's second bite at the apple from Thursday 9th November 2017...(deadset? he did it twice?-Ed)...yep, apparently he had the first lot pulled down by the Admin-peeps what runs the site, then he's gone back for another go...(so he's said/posted a whole bunch of really off stuff, and then had that taken down, and then's gone on there again, on the same topic, the Rail Lands?-Ed)...well most specifically the Old Rail Station, but yeah, he's been on there twice...   

Mt Gambier City Councillor Josh Lynagh has not gone onto someone else's blog just once, and clearly a non-political blog/forum for 'family-style' memories, etc, but Cr Josh has massively doubled-down on that gross impropriety by going back on there the next day, Thursday, with another deeply deceitful manipulation of the general's an absolute disgrace, and a sad indicator of just exactly where and how Cr Lynagh is operating these days...(as a fully-fledged member of the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council-Ed)...fair call, Ed, just exactly how much rankly Nepotistic corruption and deliberate deceit have I personally witnessed from MGCC? every meeting? every week in The Border Watch?...(and at least some of it covered in this 'ere blog, well, much of it in The Mount Gambier Independent, but in this specific blog, RLRA, there's a vast raft of deliberate deceits and/or gross incompetence and/or outright corruption on that specific subject alone-Ed)...excellent point Ed, there's so much corruption and deceit pouring out of MGCC re the Rail Lands, that it warrants it's own blog...

I was stunned to learn that Cr Lynagh took a conversation about the Rail Lands and turned it into a discussion about me, my 'main' blog The Mount Gambier Independent, and most specifically distressing and deeply concerning, Cr Lynagh dragged the 'pro-paedophile corruption' issues into the is the desperation of a corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, perpetrated by Cr Josh Lynagh, on someone else's non-political site...good work mate...but I digress, we're here to put all these MGCC's Rail Land deceits to the sword...(have at you sir!-Ed)...look out! not at me you idiot! point it over there!...(sorry-Ed) that even a real sword?...(no, it's wood, the nurse wouldn't let me have a real sword-Ed)...and there's a reason for that...(several reasons I'd suggest-Ed)...fair call... 

And as per usual, The Truth lies in The Undeniable Realities, so let us begin there, where 'there' is today, 11th November 2017, and let us look at the Five Inconvenient Truths that prove the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...(and those can be further reduced to a single Truth that proves the RLRA-Ed)...only one?...(yep, the Rail Lands Retail Agenda Floor Plan as it currently stands, the RLRAFP sums-up what you're about to list as Five Truths-Ed)...good point, although I might go with the RLRA Footprint, but it's the same thing, floor plan/footprint, both work...and indeed, it's such a fundamental Truth/Reality that once people have it explained to them only once, they immediately see/understand the Reality that is the RLRA...and it's very simple, the RLRAF is the current configuration of the site, a 'footprint' that is a direct result of Council's actions and/or inactions in pursuit of the RLRA...

Dear Availees:...please to be looking at the way that the site has been mangled by MGCC with unknown $$$millions literally plowed into the site with massive and entirely unnecessary ground-works, including moving the Rail-line Easement, a huge concrete drainage pond, and multiple attempts to fix-up the still-chronic water-logging issues at the Bay Rd end, an issue caused by Council's unnecessary and self-evidently incompetent ground-works, etc,'s an unmitigated disaster played-out in pursuit of the RLRA, mired in the usual rankly corrupt MGCC nepotism...

The Single what MGCC have or haven't done on the site to get it ready for a massive expansion of the Lakes/Centro/Whatevs Plaza...and it really is just that simple...

1)  Moved/bent the Rail-line Easement right-out the way to the Southern boundary, opening-up
     the centre of the site to expand the Plaza;
2)  put in a massive, costly ($700,000+), and otherwise superfluous drainage pond for the
     run-off from the expected extra roof area of the expanded Plaza;
3)  left the Bay Rd end completely un-developed for future carpark;
4)  not renovated the iconic Old Rail Station, the centrepiece of the entire site;
5)  directly refused to put the Bus Terminus in the Old Station.

These are Five Inconvenient Truths that prove the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...and MGCC can play it any way it likes, proffer any number of lame excuses and/or rationales, the Truth sits right there if one cares to look...all that Mt Gambier City Council have done on the Rail Lands is use $$$millions of Ratepayer's money to get the site ready for their planned future Plaza Expansion...this is the plan that Council started with in 2004/05, this is the plan they have pursued ever since, and despite the obvious flaws with this plan, it is a plan Council clearly continue to pursue, eg, repeatedly blocking attempts to utilise and/or even renovate the Old Rail Station...

And the true measure of Cr Lynagh's corruption and deceit on this issue is that he has had this RLRA stuff all carefully explained to him, repeatedly, both before he was a Councillor and since...this is the clear indicator of his corrupt intent, namely, he knows that what he's saying is a carefully worded deceit, and yet away he goes, twice/ is a deliberate act of gross deceit and manipulation when Cr Lynagh states that 'Council has no plan to demolish the Old Rail Building', because obviously no physical or official plan exists, but it's still exactly what Council intend to do, even if it's by letting the building fall into ruin then reverse-justifying it's demolition...whatever it takes, the Old Rail Station is clearly surplus to requirement re the RLRA, clearly in the way of the RLRA, and Council has self-evidently refused to 'renovate' because they want it gone...

Much, much more to come, including the various related rank corruptions that become evident when looking at the RLRA, eg, the rank corruption of the Tender Process for the farcical Shade Cloth Bus Terminus shoved into the Lady Nelson Discovery Centre carpark, rather than in the Old Rail Building where everyone wanted it, a perfectly centrally-located spot with easy access/exit, adjacent Lakes Plaza facilities, etc...(another corrupt MGCC Tender? almost hard to believe-Ed)...and yet you do Ed, yet you do...(well I've just been reading ahead on some of those documents, and they seem to repeatedly contradict themselves, so even the Truths can't decide which is which, such is the rampant nature of MGCC's corruption-Ed)...indeed...  

Next Post: Some Early Documents

Which clearly show what it is Council was pursuing at the time, the original plans, etc...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is another blog of mine...cheers and laters...

PS:...oh, and Cr Lynagh, expect to be hearing plenty more about your complicit involvement in the rank and often pro-paedophile corruption that defines Mt Gambier City Council, and particularly this little effort on someone else's innocuous li'l Facebook page...don't be so gutless mate, bail me up outside a Council meeting like your mate Cr Frank Morello did back in September 2017, ambush me personally and tell me all about it, mate, see how that works-out for ya...(maaate, you don't think he's actually that stupid, do ya'?-Ed)...well, this little 'Facebook episode would seem to confirm that he is...Josh mate, if you don't like being called-out as part of this corruption, don't be part of it, but while you are, and you are, while you are a Councillor in the rankly corrupt MGCC and complicitly responsible for that corruption, either fix it or shut up, mate...(speaking of which, how did Josh enjoy his little Ratepayer-funded Council junket to China?-Ed)...well quite Ed, well quite...

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